The Village School is Committed to Environmental Health and Safety
Prior to moving into our new site, The Village School ran upgraded faucets in our kitchen and all classrooms in use. We ran tests to verify that water and air quality were up to standards. Since then, OAR 581-022-2223 was enacted to require schools in Oregon to develop a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan. The plan includes information on how our school manages lead in drinking water, lead based paint, asbestos, radon, integrated pest management, and carbon monoxide.
Our Healthy and Safe School's plan is available here.
Lead in water tests are available here.
Radon tests are available here.
For more information, please contact
Name: Andy Peara
Position Title: Executive Director
Phone Number: 541 345-7285
Email Address: apeara@eugenevillageschool.org
Mailing Address: 3411 Willamette St., Eugene OR 97405