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Writer's picturebecky fay

Village Voice - Volume 20, Issue 23

Updated: Mar 1, 2021

Upcoming Events

  • BLACK HISTORY MONTH! Check out the BLM website!

  • Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm - Middle School Open House (Zoom link)

  • Friday, Feb. 26 - 1st Grade begins outdoor small group classes

  • Friday, March 4th and 5th, 2021: Grades K-5 Conferences (No school for K-5, Regular schedule for grades 6-8)

  • Monday, March 22, 2021: Spring Break

  • Monday, April 5, 2021: School Resumes

  • Friday, May 7, 2021: No School - Prof Development Day (No School)

  • Monday, May 31, 2021: No School - Memorial Day (No School)

  • Thursday, June 17, 2021: 1/2 Day Last Day

2020/2021 Calendar is always available here!


Administrators' Message

Dear Village School Families,

The Village School reopening committee is finalizing our plan to bring classes onto campus safely for a hybrid school model. Hybrid means a blend between in-person, on-campus learning and online distance learning. Tomorrow, by the end of day, you will get a special email message that will explain the particulars. Also, in tomorrow’s message you will be asked to make a choice as to whether you want your child to participate in the hybrid schedule (in-person and on-line) or to remain in 100% comprehensive distance learning (CDL).

Please take the time to carefully consider what is best for your child and family as to whether your child will continue in CDL or switch to the hybrid schedule. We will send out a survey form that will be due by 4:00 PM, March 8. It is important that you stick with your choice because our staff assignments and use of the facility is based on how many students sign up for CDL vs hybrid. We want to be as safe as possible. We can’t accommodate children switching midstream between CDL and hybrid.

On behalf of The Village School we would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we work together as a school community to gradually and safely offer hybrid learning or CDL. On a final note, please continue to follow the three W’s -- Wear a properly fitting mask, Watch your physical distancing, and Wash hands frequently.


Bob & Andy


5th Grade Families Prepare For Middle School!

Hey 5th grade families! Can you believe your children will be in middle school next year? It's coming up quick, and the Middle School teachers would like to tell you about the awesome and unique program they will be offering your children. So, get your popcorn popped and show up to the meeting on Tuesday, Feb 23rd at 6:00PM. Follow the zoom link below:


Skadi, the ski goddess by By 4th grader Lilja McCloskey


Student and Sibling Enrollment Forms

Please check your email for surveys inviting you to re-enroll your children in the Village School for 2021-22. If you have siblings to enroll please also complete the attached form for sibling enrollment and return ASAP. The form can be filled out online, saved, and emailed back to us. This form is not required for students who are already enrolled in the Village School.


Village School Kitchen

It's a Yumm Sauce week! You'll find brown rice, black beans and a jar of Yumm Sauce! in your bags tomorrow. Recently a VS mother let me know that their daughters missed having Yumm Bowls at school every Tuesday so they have started making their own version of Yumm Sauce! at home. Here is the recipe they follow. Thank you Monica.

You will also find a sampler of herbal tea from Yogi Tea in your bags. We received a large donation of a variety of different teas recently from Yogi. Superstars Elizabeth Starlilly and Aislinn Longano were here this afternoon bagging up almost 3,000 teas for our families! If any of you discover a particular variety you love, please email me if you'd like more.

Check out the two citrus varieties coming your way tomorrow!

The pummelo is the largest citrus I can get now and the kumquat is the smallest. I imagine many of our students have never tried these before. I'd love to know what they think! How do you encourage your child to try new foods?

Take care Friends.



The Village School Eugene, Oregon w - 541-345-7285


Parent Council

Parent Council will be having our next meeting on Wednesday, March 10th. Please join us and send questions and ideas

Zoom link:

The notes from our last meeting can be found here.

Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - Join in on the Virtual Parent Council Meetings that are open to all parents and guardians on the 2nd Wednesday each month!

Engage with us on Facebook!


Four Small Ways to Build Confidence in Kids


Important date change:

This week's OBOB meetings will be on Wednesday, Feb. 24 instead of Tuesday.

The meeting for 3-5 will be at 2:00 and the meeting for 6-8 will be at 3:00. The 3-5 group meeting will go back to Tuesdays next week. The 6-8 meeting may change to Wednesdays; stay tuned for updates. If you are done reading an OBOB book from the school library, please return it to the school office.

Molly Bautista, VS Librarian

Molly Bautista


Village School New Family Applications

Although we have finished conducting the parent information meetings, we are still accepting applications for enrollment for 2021-22.

Share this information with families who may be interested!


Free Comcast Internet Essentials - Extended

The Village School is partnering with Comcast to provide free Internet Essentials services until June 30th, 2021 for Village School families that

  • qualify for free and reduced lunches under federal guidelines,

  • live in an area served by Comcast

Previously, you could not be an existing Comcast/Xfinity customer, but this condition has been lifted.

Please contact for more information.

Another resource that might be helpful to families is free cell phone service (for those who qualify). It is called Lifeline phone service through Assurance Wireless. Those who qualify will receive a free Android smartphone that can text, access the internet, etc. There is no charge for the phone or service.



Please check the full calendar for the dates for future events. We have updated the calendar through the end of the 2020-21 school year. Due to the delayed start the Monday after Spring break is a school day.

Friday, March 4th and 5, 2021: Grades K-5 Conferences

No school for K-5,

Regular schedule for grades 6-8

Monday, March 22, 2021: Spring Break

Monday, April 5, 2021: School Resumes

Friday, May 7, 2021: No School - Prof Development Day (No School)

Monday, May 31, 2021: No School - Memorial Day (No School)

Thursday, June 17, 2021: 1/2 Day Last Day

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