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Village Voice - Volume 24, Issue 10

Writer: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, November 8th, Sewing Class Enrichment

  • Monday, November 11th, Veterans Day, NO SCHOOL

  • Wednesday, November 13th, 4th Grade Field Trip to Whittaker Creek Campground

  • Friday, November 15th, Kindergarten Lantern Walk

  • Monday, November 18th, Parent Council Meeting (Zoom Link)

  • Tuesday, November 19th, 3rd - 5th Grade Field Trip to the Hult Center

  • Tuesday, November 19th, Board Meeting

  • Thursday, November 21st, Picture Retake Day


Quick Links

In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community! 

As you may have noticed, we are right in the thick of an extraordinary fall pentalogy (I just looked this word up, it means like a trilogy, but with five!) – Walk-A-Thon, Halloween, daylight savings, Día, and Thanksgiving–but this year we have an extra fall event that’s taking up a lot of bandwidth worldwide, the election. There’s lots of buzz, everywhere we look and we hope you’re staying sane!! 

Thanks to everyone who helped with the Día Celebration, it was a smashing success. The food was grand, the entertainment was top notch, the artwork was exquisite, and the ofrenda was a gorgeous tribute to all souls past. Chrissy, Sarah L., and Toña did such a great job organizing and that army of volunteers was amazing! What a fantastic event and a shining gem in our community gathering crown. 

Wishing you the most fantastic of fall evenings,  


Roz, Shannon, and Andy


Día de los Muertos

Such a fantastic evening: spectacular dancing, musical performances from our students, and a scrumptious dinner!

We are endlessly grateful for Sarah Lewenberg and Toña Aguilar for pouring their love and so much work into this event year after year. They are a true gift to our community. We also are so thankful to Chrissy for all of her work coordinating volunteers.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed food and volunteered tirelessly to make this evening possible. Village School is what it is because of your dedication!

Thank you to our teachers and students who worked together to create beautiful performances!


6th Grade Mushroom Foray

6th graders got to go on a mushroom foray with local mushrooms experts Lee Yamada and Joe Spivak from the Cascade Mycological Society. Thank you so much to our parent chaperones for driving and keeping an eye on our students!


Family Directory

Copies of the Family Directory are now available in the office. You are welcome to stop by and pick one up!


Title I Reading/Math Services, 2024-2025

Every fall, winter and spring, our Title staff and classroom teachers administer reading and math assessments to each of our students.  If a student in grades 1-5 scores below the 30th percentile, she/he may be recommended by our team to receive instructional interventions in reading and/or math with their progress monitored.  At The Village School, all students receive up to 90 minutes of language arts and 60 minutes of math instruction each day.  If your child will be receiving additional reading or math instruction, his or her classroom teacher or the Title I coordinator will notify you. Please see the links below for additional information.




Job Openings at the Village School

(2) Spanish Teaching Positions 


8th Grade Fundraiser - Wreath Sales

The 8th graders are selling beautiful wreaths to support their graduation trip. Please consider supporting them, and getting a start on seasonal decorating!


Community Bulletin Board

House for rent with possibility to buy.  3 bedroom / 1 bath.  Less than 1 mile from The Village School.  Hardwood floors, lots of light, large yard.  $2100/mo.

Available November 1st.  Call/text Cindy 541-895-4218




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