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Village Voice - Volume 24, Issue 11

Writer: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, November 15th, Kindergarten Lantern Walk

  • Monday, November 18th, Parent Council Meeting (Zoom Link)

  • Tuesday, November 19th, 3rd - 5th Grade Field Trip to the Hult Center

  • Tuesday, November 19th, Board Meeting

  • Thursday, November 21st, Picture Retake Day

  • Friday, November 22nd, 1st Grade Lantern Walk

  • Monday, November 25th, 2nd Grade Lantern Walk

  • Wednesday, November 27th-Sunday, December 1st, Thanksgiving Break


Quick Links

In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community! 

The smell of winter is in the air! Some of the trees are already bare, others are well on their way, as the wheel of the year creaks through its paces. That means it’s time for the kinder through third grade lantern walks! Intended as a time for connection and shining a light of love and song into the world, the lantern walk has long been one of our favorites. Who doesn’t love a line of adorable students singing sweet songs with gentle lights, as the sun begins to set? 

We’re grateful to Andy, Brett, and Adaptive Heating (which includes 8th grade parent, Silas Mentzer) that finished putting heating units in most of the larger spaces in the upper wing to match those that were recently completed in the lower wing, just in time to counter the icy winter mornings. We do, however, want to take a moment to salute the gas fired boilers that live near the guitar room. These two giant steam engines have dutifully heated our school for 75 years!, keeping tens of thousands of fingers and toes warm year after year. Now they will retire, rest and relax, called to duty only in the event of an emergency. Three cheers for the boilers! Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray! 

Thank you for being such a fantastic, eclectic, supportive, and compassionate community. This work would not be possible without you, for obvious reasons, but also some less obvious reasons as well: to be able to show up at work each morning and know that we share a commitment to help these young people grow and thrive is invaluable. 


Roz, Shannon, and Andy


Parent Council

Hello Fellow Village School Families!  We are Cory Byers (Mom of 2nd grader) and Joana Munson (Mom of KG and 3rd grader) and we are your new Parent Council Coordinators.  We would like to personally invite you to our next VIRTUAL ZOOM (Zoom Link) parent council meeting on Monday the 18th at 6:00.  Camera on or off- your choice! We're just happy you can join us!  We will discuss the (2) funding requests we have in the works

  • a 3rd grade request for a buildable playground structure,

  • a 25th Anniversary Committee request for funding to help with a school wide mural in the courtyard), and

  • open the floor to any new funding requests. 

Our main topic of discussion will be around our big, beautiful Fundraiser of the Year - Heart of the Village Festival!  Please come to hear about an overview of how the festival went last year, and any new ideas/inspiration you have to bring to the Heart of the Village Festival this year.

ZOOM LINK for the meeting is

Looking forward to 'seeing' you all on Monday!

-Cory and Joana


Sewing Enrichment Class

Cassidy, Juliet, and Mayla finished their pillows in the after school sewing class!


Picture Retake Day

We will be receiving photo finished photo packages this week. Picture Retake Day will now be taking place on Thursday, 11/21 at 10am. Here is the link to order.


Attendance Reminders

Here is an overview of our attendance policy:


Please let the office know as soon as possible of any absence by email: or phone: 541-345-7285

The following are accepted reasons for absences:

1) Student illness, health condition, mental or behavioral health, or medical appointment. Administrators may ask for documentation from a medical provider regarding an ongoing illness or health condition.

2) Family emergency, including but not limited to a death or illness in the family.

3) Court proceeding.

Oregon Revised Statutes regarding attendance -  English / Spanish

10 Day Drop

A student will be dropped from the Village School enrollment if absent for 10 consecutive days, no matter what the reason is (with the one exception of COVID isolation or other extended illness that has been excused). This includes all excused and/or unexcused absences, including extended planned absences.

Absences and Extra-Curricular Activities

If a student misses school for any reason, they are not allowed to participate in after-school events on the same day.


If your child is not able to be in the classroom by 8:25am, they should sign in at the office and take a late pass to give to their teacher. Kindergarteners are in morning circle until 8:45am. If your kindergartener arrives between 8:25 and 8:45, please ask a staff member to accompany you, and to let your child in to the classroom. Lateness is considered unexcused unless it is for an appointment, inclement weather, or other emergency.

Students Arriving/Leaving During the School Day

Anytime students arrive or leave during the school day they must sign in/out in the office. Students may only leave with a guardian or with an adult listed with the office as an emergency contact. Please park and come into the office to sign out your student and to give an early release pass to their teacher. On rare occasions, administration may work with a parent/guardian to authorize the student to leave without a parent/guardian or emergency contact picking the student up.


Village School Kitchen

Thank you to our wonderful kitchen staff for making us the freshest, most delicious food daily. Audrey is pure sunshine and always brightens everyone's day with a smile.



Be on the lookout for some volunteering opportunities coming up! The Winter Concert will take place on Thursday, December 12th, and we will be opening up signups for chaperoning and transporting instruments in the next week or so. This is the last big event of the year and a great way to work toward meeting your 40 hours! Please let Chrissy know at if you'd like to get your name down for a volunteering shift. Thank you!


Family Directory

Copies of the Family Directory are available in the office. You are welcome to stop by and pick one up!


Village School Lunch Diaries

Mac and cheese and broccoli is the golden combo.

Yumm Bowl Wednesdays jazzed up with a drizzle of chimichurri and all the fresh veggies and fruit you could possibly want.


Opportunity to Attend the Village School

Spread the word that we have an opening in our 3rd grade class! If someone you know is interested in joining our community, please send them our way.


Title I Reading/Math Services, 2024-2025

Every fall, winter and spring, our Title staff and classroom teachers administer reading and math assessments to each of our students.  If a student in grades 1-5 scores below the 30th percentile, she/he may be recommended by our team to receive instructional interventions in reading and/or math with their progress monitored.  At The Village School, all students receive up to 90 minutes of language arts and 60 minutes of math instruction each day.  If your child will be receiving additional reading or math instruction, his or her classroom teacher or the Title I coordinator will notify you. Please see the links below for additional information.




Job Openings at the Village School

(2) Spanish Teaching Positions 


Community Bulletin Board




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