Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 12th, 6:30pm, Winter Concert at Churchill High School
Tuesday, December 17th, Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 18th, 10:15am & 7pm, 8th Grade Play
Wednesday, December 18th, 8th Grade Holiday Bazaar
Friday, December 20th - Friday, January 3rd, Winter Break
Quick Links
In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:
Village Vine This is the Village School Facebook Community.
Administrator's Message
Greetings Village School Community!
What a glorious, cold, misty week! One of our all time favorite things about winter in the Pacific Northwest is the blue gray smokey silhouette of fir and hemlock reaching up off a foggy hillside at dusk. A study done in Scandinavia in 2015 states that an afternoon stroll increases positive feelings, memory, and productivity well after the walk is done. This is just a little reminder to get out and get a breath of that chill-fresh air, take in some of the beautiful scenery all around us, and increase your feelings of well-being.
Tomorrow is our Winter Concert! We will be showcasing our student’s musical capacities, giving away handwork team created prizes, and introducing our next annual giving campaign (it’s AWESOME, by the way!) Please arrive at Churchill Auditorium between 6:15 and 6:20 to set your students up with their classes and find a family seat. Don’t miss it!
One last thing: the 4J District school board renewed our charter for another 10 years! The decision to renew was unanimous. 4J board president, Jenny Jonak, (3rd grade Village School parent), spoke very supportively of our mission. We want to extend our thanks to parents, students, staff and board members who came out to show support and testify on behalf of our school and to those who submitted testimony via email. The sentiments expressed in favor of our school, our staff, our community, our programming and our food service, etc. in person and via email were deeply moving and heartfelt - no exaggeration.
We thank you all for being part of our community and look forward to another 10 years of serving our students and families!
Roz, Shannon, and Andy
Winter Concert Volunteering
The Winter Concert is tomorrow!! (Thursday, December 12th) We are still looking for one volunteer for transporting instruments. This is the last big event of the year and a great way to work toward meeting your 40 hours! Please sign up here, or let Chrissy know at chrissy@eugenevillageschool.org if you're able to do this. Thank you!

Handwork Raffle
Please support our handwork program by buying tickets for the raffle of items made by the handwork teachers. All proceeds go to buy extra tools and materials not covered by our budget. Items will be on display in the office and winners will be announced at the winter concert.
They cost $2 a piece or 3 for $5.
Tickets will be available for purchase one hour before the concert. Cash and checks preferred.

6th Grade Play
Bravo to the 6th grade class who wrote and performed a fantastic dark comedy!
6th Grade Helpers
Thank you to Amadora and Camille for helping us tidy up the Lost & Found!

Parent Council
Please join us on Monday, January 20th at 6pm for our next Parent Council Meeting! This will take place on Zoom, so you can join us from the comfort of your home. Here is the Zoom Link. We look forward to seeing you there!
Lost & Found
Please take a moment to browse through our very full Lost & Found wardrobe before Winter Break. This is located in the breezeway outside of the office. We will be donating or repurposing any left over items to the Village School lending library at the end of the school day on 12/19. Thank you!

Garden Project
If you have extra bulbs and seeds, please consider donating them to the Village School. There are a few garden plots around the school that are being worked on, and could benefit from the beauty of some blooms!

Village School Lunch Diaries
Some piping hot chili for these chilly days.

The Village Kitchen Macaroni and Cheese is always on point.

Today's salad bar had the option of corn! It went beautifully with both Yumm Bowls and salad.

Job Openings at the Village School
(2) Spanish Teaching Positions
Community Bulletin Board

Eugene International High School (Eugene IHS) is a choice school for students in grades 9-12 offering a 4-year interdisciplinary humanities curriculum focused on international studies. Students are dual enrolled in both Eugene IHS and their host school.
ANY student can enroll. They must go through the online 4J School Choice Lottery, regardless of attendance area: 4j.lane.edu/schoolchoice. The in-district deadline is January 31, 2025.
IMPORTANT DATES for the 2025-2026 School Year: January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications March 1………Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications Spanish and French Immersion students from Monroe and Roosevelt will be enrolled in Eugene IHS without the lottery process because they entered immersion through the lottery in elementary or middle school. However, immersion students do need to submit the Eugene IHS Enrollment Form to the Eugene IHS office at South or Sheldon by the January 31st deadline. This form will be included in a special mailing to immersion families. We hope you will consider becoming a part of our Eugene IHS community!
For more information contact one of the Eugene IHS offices below, or visit the Eugene IHS website at ihs.4j.lane.edu
Eugene IHS @ Churchill: 541-790-5225Eugene IHS @ Sheldon: 541-790-6636Eugene IHS @ South Eugene: 541-790-8030
Los límites del distrito 4J
El 31 de Marzo...Fecha límite para aceptar solicitudes para la elección de escuelas para los alumnos que NO residen dentro de los límites del distrito 4J (residentes fuera del distrito)
Los alumnos de espanõl y francés en los programas de inmersión se inscriben en Eugene IHS sin el proceso de la lotería, porque ya se matricularon en el programa de inmersión a través de la lotería en la escuela primaria o la escuela intermedia. Sin embargo, los alumnos de los programas de inmersión necesitan completar el formulario de solicitud de Eugene IHS y enviarlo a la oficina de Eugene IHS en South Eugene o Sheldon antes de la fecha límite (el 31 de enero). Las familias de los alumnos de los programas de inmersión van a recibir el formulario de solicitud por correo postal.
Para los alumnos: si tienen interés en el mundo y desean aprender sobre otros países y culturas, esperamos que consideren convertirse en parte de nuestra familia de Eugene IHS.
Courtney Dearinger (she/her)
Head Teacher--Eugene International High School
10th grade Literature and the Arts
12th grade IB 20th Century Literature
