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Village Voice - Volume 24, Issue 21

Writer's picture: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Upcoming Events

  • Monday, February 10th, 6:00pm, Parent Council Meeting (Heart of the Village Planning)

  • Thursday, February 13th, 7:00pm, Heart of the Village Meeting

  • Monday, February 17th, No School, President's Day

  • Tuesday, February 18th, 5:30pm, Board Meeting

  • Wednesday, February 19th, 4th Grade Play

  • Thursday, February 20th, 1st Grade Field Trip to the Library

  • Friday, February 21st, Grandfriends Day

  • Saturday, February 22nd, Heart of the Village Festival

  • Friday, February 28th, Middle School Dance


Quick Links

In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community!! 

Happy (slightly belated) Imbolc, aka halfway (ish) between winter solstice (longest night) and spring equinox (equal day and night)! This is the time of year when the seeds of spring are starting to awaken deep underground and life is beginning to unfurl. Take a look around and see if you can note the hints of change!

Springtime heralds another unfurling at TVS…state testing! Here is our annual reminder about what you need to know about state testing:  State Testing

The Village School is required to administer annual statewide assessments of language arts and math for students in grades 3–8 and science in grades 5 and 8. You will be notified which days the test will be administered once the precise days are determined.

All public schools in the U.S. are required to systematically assess student learning and report participation and results in school accountability systems. Students in Oregon are assessed periodically to measure proficiency in state and district standards, including completing statewide assessments in certain grades. State test results provide important information for students, parents, teachers, schools and districts.

The expected time spent in class on the ELA test is 1.5-3 hours. The math portion of the test is estimated to take 1.5 hours. The length of time and standards of the Oregon assessments have been reviewed again since last year and were adjusted to alleviate long testing sessions and to give a better picture of where the students are in the academic realm. 

Can students opt-out of state testing?

Yes. Under Oregon law, a parent or adult student may opt out of Oregon’s summative statewide assessments of math and language arts for any reason, by annually submitting a form.  Students who opt out of state tests, beyond a certain threshold for our school, are counted as “not proficient” in our school’s test results that are reported statewide. A student's name or whether they opt-out is not public information. The school’s participation rate reflects the degree to which the number of students opt-out of testing.

Ideally, parents who are opting their students out of testing will do so via the online link. This will save us time, paper, and administrative resources and is much more convenient for you, the parent. However, opting out online must be done before Spring Break. We will NOT be processing paper opt out prior to that time. See below for more information on opting your child out of the OSAS test and for the testing schedule. 

Last but not least, get ready for Grandfriend’s Day and Heart of the Village! See this issue for more info. 

Hopefully everyone is healthy, contented, warm, and dry,


Roz, Shannon, and Andy 


Help us Draft a Statement of Support All Students

In the past few weeks, we have seen several executive orders aimed at removing protections for undocumented immigrants and students who identify as LGBTQIA2S. Consistent with our Diversity Equity and Inclusion Mission Statement, we would like to invite staff, parents and board members to a meeting to draft a statement that expresses clear support for all students, including those targeted by the recent executive orders. If you would like to help us in the process of drafting such a statement, please sign up here. We'll put out a Doodle poll to those who sign up to figure out a good time to meet and work on a statement that we can run by our board for approval.


Traffic Safety

We have been hearing from parents and neighbors that the traffic flow on 35th Ave has been precarious. Please take a look to refresh yourself on our morning drop off and afternoon pickup rules to keep traffic flowing smoothly and our students safe! Please also be respectful of other cars.


Report Cards

By the end of the week you will receive your child’s 1st semester report card. Please keep in mind this is just one snapshot of your child’s progress in school. 

The information in the grades K-5 report card is to inform families of their child’s progress and achievements. The information is not intended for the student. Teachers give age-appropriate feedback in a variety of ways to your child at school. Please keep this in mind if you choose to share the report card with your child.

The information in the middle school report cards are intended for both families and students. Middle school students also receive feedback in class, as well as in the form of graded assignments. 

We are using District 4J's database, Synergy, for reporting. The Synergy system does not align perfectly with the Jupiter grade-book our middle school teachers use. Your child will receive a Pass/No pass grade for music classes, and “proficiency” grading for all other classes. 

Middle School Grading Key:

Jupiter → Synergy

​​CM (consistent mastery) = HiPr (Highly Proficient)

AM (approaching mastery) = Proficient

BC (beginning comprehension) = NrProf. (Nearly Proficient)

BU (basic understanding) = NtProf. (Not Proficient)

IR (intervention required) = NG (No Grade)

If you have any questions about your child’s report card, please contact the classroom teacher. Thank you.


Annual Giving Campaign

These are samples of the Artist's, Kari Johnson, work projected onto our Courtyard wall.

The annual giving campaign has reached $7,100, so we are more than 1/2 way towards our goal of $12,000! Our campaign aims to recognize our 25th Anniversary with a new mural to cover the south wall of our courtyard.  Our vision/theme for the mural is to capture in a big epic flowing "Diego Rivera" style of the "9 Year Arc" of the Village School experience, spanning kindergarten to 8th grade. The mural will feature rites of passage from each of the grades such as the Rose Ceremony in 1st grade, raising salmon in 4th grade, Greek Games in 5th grade, and Shakespeare in 8th grade, 


Volunteering Needs                                             

Please reach out to with any questions about volunteering! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. There are a couple of events coming up including the Heart of the Village Festival, as well as classroom and kitchen opportunities that can help to meet these hours.

  • Toña is still in need of a couple of kitchen volunteers. Please email her if interested at

  • Our Handwork teachers are looking for some parent volunteers to read stories to the kids while they sew and knit their creations. Please email Chrissy at if interested.

  • Ms Frédérique is looking for one or two volunteers to help hem a set of small tablecloths for the art room. Please, emailfrederique@eugenevillageschool.orgif interested.

    - The art room is also looking for a kitchen blender to make handmade paper. Please, contact Ms Frédérique if you wish to donate a used blender in working condition.

  • Heart of the Village will be held on Saturday, February 22nd. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Parent Council. Please sign up for a volunteering shift here.


Heart of the Village

The Heart of the Village Festival and Fundraiser is swiftly approaching! It will take place on Saturday, February 22nd from 11am - 3pm. It's the biggest parent council fundraiser of the school year, and will not happen without our school community's support! Let's come together to make this a success!

Please take a look at the signup sheet and put your name down for a shift that works for you! The signup sheet is divided by grades.

You are invited to stop by the Parent Council Table outside of the office on Wednesday, February 5th right after drop off for coffee and muffins and to sign up for a shift! We are also looking for donations for the Bake sale and Musical cakes. Please put your name down on the signup sheets outside of classrooms. You're welcome to sign up to bring something for the bake sale, musical cakes, or both! Please also help to support the Silent Auction by reaching out to friends, family, and local businesses for donations. You can use the silent auction tracker sheet to see what has been requested and confirmed already. Thank you!!

If you happen to own a lemonade stand/puppet theater stand and wouldn't mind lending it to us for Heart of the Village, please let us know!


Heart of the Village Pre-Sales

Get your Heart of the Village tickets here in advance to skip the line! You can also use the QR Code below. Once you purchase your tickets, we will get them ready for you to pick up in the office.


Heart of the Village Scholarships

Parent Council is offering a limited number of Heart of the Village scholarships to families who need them. Please fill out this form if you are interested in receiving one.


Parent Council

Please join us on Monday, February 10th at 6pm for our next Parent Council Meeting! This will take place on Zoom, so you can join us from the comfort of your home. Here is the Zoom Link. We look forward to seeing you there!

Every Village School parent and guardian is a part of Parent Council - Parent Council Meetings are open to all parents and guardians on the 3rd Monday of each month.

You can also engage with Village School families on the Parent Council Facebook page, The Village Vine!


Grandfriends Day

Grandfriends Day is happening this year on Friday, February 21st from 8:30 to 12:30. Please let the Grandfriends (grandparents or nearby grand friends) in your life know that they can RSVP here or on the Village School Website. We look forward to having them join us!


ASEP Announcement

Dear Village School Staff, Parents & Guardians: 

As many of you already know the Village School offers an After School Enrichment Program (ASEP).  Our next session will begin Tuesday, April 8 and run through Friday, May 30.  ASEP is open to students in grades 1 - 8.  (This does not apply to ongoing after-school middle school marimba, as this is separate from our ASEP classes).

We are currently looking for instructors to teach an enrichment class during this session. Prior experience working with children is highly recommended. We have listed prior offerings, and others that families have suggested.  If you know someone who would be interested in teaching, please contact me no later than January 31.  If you have a suggestion for a class not listed that you would like to teach, please let me know (  This is a paid position.  To get details on rate of pay, and compensation for materials, please contact Andy Peara at (   The enrichment classes are divided by grade.  Typically we divide the groups as follows:  1 -3, 4 -6, and 6-8.  Instructors would be able to select the age group and day of the week for their class(es).  Instructors may teach more than one class per week, but for different age groups.  Classes are taught directly after school is dismissed, and last between 1 hour to 90 minutes.  Those who are not on staff, or have not taught an enrichment program at the Village School would need to have a background check.  

Suggested classes:

  • Music

  • Robotics

  • Art

  • Science

  • Outdoor Physical Education

  • Gardening

  • Acting/Theatre

If you have any questions regarding ASEP please feel free to contact Rachel through email at, or call / text 805-975-7778.  


Village Kitchen

Last week, two Village School graduates returned on their day off of high school to help with lunch prep and service. Thanks Isadora and Jasper!

Once a year we have breakfast for lunch at The Village School. One sixth grade student let us know "I have been looking forward to this since Kindergarten!" Yesterday we served pancakes with maple syrup and  our own berry sauce, scrambled eggs or tofu, roasted potatoes, and orange juice along with a variety of fresh fruit options to the children in our Village Care program and middle school students. What fun!

Thank you Springfield Creamery for a recent donation of organic yogurt pouches. We have enough to share with Village School families. If you would like a box of these, please email me to coordinate a time to pick some up!

Toña Aguilar



State Testing

Under Oregon law, a parent or student age 18+ may opt out of Oregon’s annual statewide math and language arts assessments by filling out an annual opt-out form, which starting this year can be submitted online. Exemptions from the English language proficiency (for students whose primary language is not English) or science tests may also be requested based on a student’s disability or religious beliefs.


8th Grade Field Trip

The 8th grade worked to help protect fish and wildlife habitats for future generations on land owned by their walk-a-thon partner, McKenzie River Trust, at the Willamette Confluence on one of the coldest mornings this year. They forded an unexpected stream and kept up excellent attitudes while pulling blackberries and caring for this special place. 


February Birthdays


Village School 25th Anniversary

Save the date!


Village School Lunch Diaries

Once a year, the middle school students and staff are treated to a scrumptious breakfast for lunch of pancakes, potatoes, and scrambled eggs/tofu. Check out this amazing tray!


Community Bulletin Board



Dance into the new year by joining us for enrichment, connection, and growth.  Parenting is a practice.  Let’s explore together!

Register on-line.

TELL YOUR OUT OF TOWN FRIENDS:  On-line 4 series parenting class now offered.

Blessings on your journey,




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