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Village Voice - Volume 24, Issue 27

Writer: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Updated: Mar 21

Upcoming Events

  • Thursday, March 20th, Book Exchange

  • Thursday, March 20th, 5:30-7:30pm, Author's Night (1st-5th)

  • Friday, March 21st, Lottery

  • Monday, March 24th - Friday, April 4th, Spring Break

  • Monday, April 7th, School Resumes


Quick Links

In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community! 

We hope you didn’t get washed away in the tsunami style rain, these last few days! It sure has been coming down. 

I thought the word tsunami was interesting and looked up it’s etymology. From

Tsunami (n.)  from 1896

"large wave which rolls over and inundates the land," 1896, in reference to the one that struck Japan that year on June 15, from Japanese tsunami, from tsu "harbor" + nami "waves."

While I was reading about the history of the word tsunami, I tumbled down a rabbit hole of words and I discovered the word hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (click here for the pronunciation!), which ironically, or perhaps cruelly, is the irrational fear of long words. How rude. 

Furthering the topic of words for the week, Author’s Night is coming up this Thursday at 5:30. Stop by, have some pizza, and listen to the writings of our Village authors. It promises to be a fantastic evening. 

In solidarity and community,

Roz, Shannon, and Andy 




Please reach out to with any questions about volunteering! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours. 

  • We need just one more volunteer to help with clean up for Author's Night! Please sign up here.

  • Our Handwork teachers are looking for some parent volunteers to read stories to the kids while they sew and knit their creations. Please email Chrissy at if interested.

  • Brett is looking for a couple of adults to help with digging holes to install a couple of pet waste stations.

  • Ms Frédérique is looking for one or two volunteers to help hem a set of small tablecloths for the art room. Please email if interested.

    - The art room is also looking for a kitchen blender to make handmade paper. Please contact Ms Frédérique if you wish to donate a used blender in working condition.


Author's Night Tomorrow - Pizza instead of Spaghetti Dinner!

1st - 5th grade families, Author's Night is tomorrow! We do not need as much volunteer help, but are still in need of one more person to help with clean up. Volunteers will not miss their child's reading presentation. We appreciate your help at

this sweet evening!


Commemorative Tiles for Our Courtyard Mural!

Check out our commemorative tiles to help fundraise for our courtyard mural. The tiles offer a great opportunity to share a legacy with our school. The tiles come in two sizes and businesses can upload their logos. They will be situated under the roof by the entrance to the Commons, right next to the location of the mural.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


8th Grade Field Trip

The 8th graders took an LTD bus over to the Jordan Schnitzer Museum, where they got to create some of their own seasonal art.


Village Kitchen

Yesterday, Zoe from the 8th grade, stopped by the kitchen after school requesting a copy of our mac and cheese recipe. It is her favorite school lunch and she wants to be able to make it at home. We are always happy to share our recipes with anyone who asks!

This past week, we had students help do some light pruning in the courtyard garden bed. With spring just around the corner we are tidying up the herbs that overwintered and planting new ones. Thank you Ila and Ellie from the 6th grade.

Have a fun and relaxing Spring Break. See you in April!

Toña Aguilar


Sewing Class

Here are the lucky silent auction winners of Maestra Sarah's sewing class. Bowie, Peregrine, Opal & Zephyr made their very own aprons!


3rd Grade Walking Field Trip

The third graders had a wonderful time visiting Chance and Snacks, two adorable pigs that live nearby. They were met by Della and Duke, two children from the family that owns the pigs. They shared some history and then taught the third graders how to interact with their pigs. Your student can tell you about Birdsong Meadow, the big hill they hiked, and what they learned about the pigs. They will definitely visit them again soon!


Community Helpers

Thank you to Nora, Irene, and Aeon for organizing our Lost & Found Wardrobe! It is getting quite full - please stop by to take a look and claim any items that your child has lost.


State Testing

Under Oregon law, a parent or student age 18+ may opt out of Oregon’s annual statewide math and language arts assessments by filling out an annual opt-out form, which starting this year can be submitted online. Exemptions from the English language proficiency (for students whose primary language is not English) or science tests may also be requested based on a student’s disability or religious beliefs. We will only be accepting online opt-out forms for English and Math until we return from spring break. If you would like your 5th or 8th grader to opt-out of the Science testing, you must fill out a paper form and return that to us. The template for this and the online opt-out form for English & Math can be found below, along with some other helpful information:


Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED)

  1. Starting in 2023-24, The state of Oregon requires (HB 2656) school districts to make the Student Educational Equity Development Survey (SEED) available to all enrolled students in grades 3-11. The content of the survey varies by grade level. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and measures student perceptions in four core constructs:

  2. Access to learning resources

  3. Opportunity to learn 

  4. Self-efficacy and 

  5. Sense of belonging

The middle and high school versions of the survey also include questions about extracurricular engagement and career and technical education. A full list of survey items is available online.

  • Parents or guardians can opt their student out of taking the SEED Survey by completing this form:  SEED Survey Opt-Out Form OR  SEED OPT-OUT Spanish and turning it into the office.

  • Students may decline, at any time before or during the survey, to participate in the SEED Survey via their answer to the first SEED Survey question.

In August, the Oregon Department of Education will release aggregated and suppressed SEED survey results to schools and districts through the Achievement Data Insight (ADI) application, and on ODE’s public website. Though not a test, the survey is distributed via the OSAS (state testing) portal, and it's open during the testing window.


Village School 25th Anniversary

Save the date!


Village School Lunch Diaries

The VS Kitchen - where eating the rainbow is a daily occurrence.


Community Bulletin Board


Contact Kira Rafuse for more information. 

Kira is a former Waldorf preschool teacher and Mom of a 4th grader at Village School. 

Weeks offering camp for children 6 and up

June 23-26, July 7-10, July 21-24, Aug 4-7, Aug 18-21







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