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Village Voice - Volume 24, Issue 3

Writer: Chrissy BarryChrissy Barry

Upcoming Events

  • Friday, September 20th, 4th Grade Field Trip to Skinner Butte Park

  • Wednesday, September 25th, Back to School Parent Night for 2, 3, 4, 5 Grades

  • Wednesday, October 2nd, 2nd Grade Field Trip to Cascades Raptor Center

  • Thursday, October 3rd, Picture Day for Kinder - 4th Grade

  • Friday, October 4th, Picture Day for 5th - 8th Grade


Quick Links

In the interest of reducing the sheer length of the Village Voice, we have replaced several repeating items with links to shortcuts:


Administrator's Message

Greetings Village School Community! 

The autumn equinox is right around the corner! This Sunday marks the point in the year when the days are equal in length to the nights. It’s also the first official day of Fall (though by meteorological standards it's been fall for two weeks already, and I must say, with the nip in the air, the cinnamon wafting from coffee shops, and the long golden rays of sunlight, we agree with the meteorologists!). 

In ancient Greece the equinox is the time when Persephone returns to the underworld to reunite with her husband, Hades. Her mother Demeter mourns her absence, neglecting the Earth and allowing it to become barren and covered in snow (or rain in some locales). Rudolf Steiner takes a different opinion of winter, however. He says that "the earth enjoys a much more intense and active spiritual life of its own during the winter than during summer.” While Earth may look barren during the winter months, Steiner believes that it is really pulling it’s energy underground, preparing, repairing, and re-invigorating itself for the next cycle. Far from being barren and lifeless, the earth takes time to go within! We will be following suit, self reflecting, recalibrating, and getting our ducks in a row. 

A few nuts and bolts from the dugout: Please take note of the allowed drop off and pick up zones. The parking spots in the back lot west of the office, the lot along the post office, and the spaces just outside the seventh grade classroom are staff parking only. We’ve had a few staff and maintenance workers not able to find parking spots because folks are using those lots for pick up or drop off. You are welcome to pick up along the grassy knoll on 35th or park on the street on 35th (outside of the pick up zone), Knob Hill, Glen Oak, or Donald to walk down and meet your student on campus. 

Thank you for being a part of our community and stay cozy!


Roz, Shannon, and Andy


Library News

Hello Families! It's been wonderful welcoming children back to the library these last few weeks and seeing their excitement in bringing books home. Here are some important reminders about our library and tips for helping library check out go smoothly:

-Be aware of your child's library day, and encourage them to take care of their books at home and return them on time. If books are lost or damaged, we ask that you pay the cost of replacement. 

-Book checkout limits are as follows: 1st grade- one book; 2nd-5th grade- two books, 6th-8th grade- 3 books. Books are due after two weeks. 

-Our library has a wide range of books that appeal to many ages and interests, including picture books, graphic novels, nonfiction, and chapter books. Student choice in book selection is honored with the understanding that parents reserve the final decision on what their child is reading. Our library has a selection of young adult books that are open to checkout for grades 5-8 or with parent permission. These are books that would be in the teen section of the Eugene Public Library and may have more mature language and themes, such as romance and violence. Contact me if you have any questions or concerns about book choice. 

Please feel free to contact me with questions or if you would like to volunteer to be a library helper. This job would be about 1 hour a week, mostly shelving books and checking to see that books are in order. The day and time would be flexible, and best days and times would be right after school starts on Friday or Monday.

Molly Bautista, VS Librarian


Village Kitchen

Last week, 4th grade parent, Loralee, gifted us a set of fun new mushroom napkins  which she ice dyed. Thank you Loralee!

Every afternoon we get a couple of student helpers from various grades. One of their favorite tasks is to create the menu chalkboard for the next school day. Thank you Olive and Yuna for creating today's menu board.

One of the unique and special aspects of our food service program is that staff eat the same lunches as students. Children get to see their teachers create and eat beautiful, healthy meals every school day. We love that we get to nourish the students and staff at our school.

We are still searching for a couple more kitchen volunteers. In particular we need someone to serve lunch every other Tuesday and every other Friday. Lunch service goes from 11:30-1:00 every school day. It is a fun way to fulfill your volunteer hours and you can eat a free lunch at the end of your shift!  If you can't do those days/times but still want to check out the magic that happens in our school kitchen, we can definitely find another time for you to slot in.

Please reach out to Toña if you can help:


Donation Support for the Village Kitchen

Thank you so much to all the families who have turned in their supply fees, as well as kitchen donations!

Although Community Eligibility covers 90% of the school meal fees, it leaves the Village Kitchen to cover the remainder of the cost. We are seeking donation support from families to help make up the extra 10% cost. If you can donate $50, $100, $200 to the Village Kitchen, you can help us maintain our commitment to locally sourced, mostly organic ingredients. You can pay this via cash or check in the office. Thank you for your support!


Picture Day

Picture Day is coming! This year we are excited to be working with Photo Faces Northwest. Please take a look at the schedule and ordering information below. Grades Kinder - 4th grade will have their picture day on 10/3. 5th - 8th grade will have their photo day on 10/4. Here is the link to order.


Volunteering at the Village School

Thank you so much to everyone who has filled out volunteer paperwork, attended Parent Council, and jumped into volunteering in the Kitchen and Classrooms! If you have not filled out a volunteer packet yet, please stop by the office to do so! Be sure to watch your email, the Village Voice and the Village Vine for messages from Parent Council, your class coordinator, your child's teacher and the Village School Kitchen, to see the volunteer needs that are coming up for you to take part in. Please see Toña and Molly's requests for volunteers. We are looking for kitchen and library helpers! We are also looking for 2 volunteers for each Picture Day on 10/3 & 10/4, as well as volunteers for the Walkathon. We also need Class Coordinators for Kinder, 1st & 5th Grades. More info to come! We ask families to contribute 40 hours of volunteer hours per year, and single parent households to contribute 20 hours.

One of the ways to contribute to our school community is by attending Parent Council Meetings! The next meeting is on Monday, 10/21 at 6:00 pm in the Village School Library. Your presence is also welcome via Zoom! Every parent and guardian's voice is valued in decisions about what Parent Council funds are used for, events that are held and collaborations with departments and teachers at the Village School!

*Please make sure to always sign in, grab a volunteer badge, and sign out at the office when you volunteer!

Please reach out to with any questions about volunteering!



Vote for Ms. Emily!

Our 2nd Grade Teacher, Emily Swenson has been nominated for Best Educator of Eugene!! We are so proud of her! Here is the website to cast your vote.


Student Helpers

Throughout the school year, many of our students help with community service projects. We're grateful for their help!

This past week, 5th graders Finn, Ash, and Theo cleaned up around campus.

6th Graders Sagan and Shay helped take care of the office recycling.


Job Openings at the Village School

(2) Spanish Teaching Positions 

Job Description   Application

The Village School seeks part-time teachers to serve: 

●  Lower Grades (1-4) (Tuesdays & Thursdays) - 12 hours / week

●  Upper Grades (5-8) (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays) - 18 hours / week

Applicants may apply for either or both positions.


Village School Lunch Diaries

Ramen and edamame smothered in savory peanut sauce was a hit!

Mac and cheese is another meal to look forward to in all its creamy goodness.

Soft tacos with quinoa, juicy plums, and perfect avocado.



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