Donate to The Village School
You can make donations to the Village School with the following options:
Credit Card - To donate using your credit card, click this link. You will be forwarded to the website of the non-profit Zeffy, where your gift (and any earmarks you make) will be recorded and transaction fees are voluntary..
Check - To give by check, make it payable to “The Village School” and mail it to
The Village School, 3411 Willamette St, Eugene, Oregon 97405.
Oregon Cultural Trust: The Village School participates in the Oregon Cultural Trust. This means that you can benefit from the Oregon tax credit program if you donate to both the Village School and the Oregon Cultural Trust. For more information, please see:
Shop and Support The Village School
By clicking this link and accessing Amazon.Com, you can earn The Village School up to 15% of your purchase through Bookmark the initial link, attach it to your browser and let this be your link to Amazon.Com.
eScrip is a program that earns a percentage of your purchases for Market of Choice and several other major vendors. A percentage of purchases will be automatically contributed by the merchant to The Village School. To register, go to
Log onto
Enter Our Group I.D. 9130886 (If you do a search by name, enter "The Village School")
Register debit & credit cards and Safeway cards. Site is secured.
Shop at eScrip merchants [Market of Choice]
Use your eScrip registered cards for all your purchases.
Also, be sure to check out eScrip + Benefit, which allows you to earn money for our school from retailers like: REI, Target, Starbucks, Airbnb, LL Bean, eBay, Home Depot,and Regal Cinema.
Sequential BioFuels
Sequential BioFuels, located at 18th and Chambers and at 86714 McVay Hwy (just off 30th ave and Interstate-5), will donate 5 cents per gallon of fuel if you mention The Village School at the time of purchase.
Office Depot / Office Max
Give 5% back to the Village School when purchasing school supplies! Simply make a purchase of qualifying school supplies, provide your school ID at checkout and your designated school will receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies! The Village School ID number: 70115184
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Earn the Village School rewards when you shop at Fred Meyer. Go to:, establish an account or login to your existing account. Go to "MyAccount". Under the Community Rewards tab, click "edit", and when prompted, enter either 80855 or Village School. Click the entry tab next to Village School and "save". Once this is set, your purchases made with your Fred Meyer rewards or card will create donations to The Village School.